Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy People bakes Happy Cookies! :D

Sorry for the late updates people!!!!
Here are the pics from the cookie baking project!!! ^^
Take a Look!!!! :D

KP doing it like a professional!!! XD
James and his butter!

it's a yummy batter

yummy batter with chocolate chips! :D

Arlene and her creative works of art!

Futuristic cookies!

Henry and the Oven


Gasp! there's choco chips on the floor! GASP! James is stealing 'em!!!

Coooooookies for Saaaaale!!!

Loads and loads of thank you to those who came and help! Your time, love and effort are very much appreciated! :) Together we worked hard and baked hard and we raised RM1050 with the help of GOD!!!

All money raised is donated to Destiny Starting Point, a double-storey house that accommodates neglected children, those involved in juvenile cases or from abused homes.

God is good all the time! :D