This time we had two newly appointed prayer co-ordinators to co-ordinate lah this special and meaningful program. Here are some pics we took...forgive the picture quality. :)
First on the agenda...icebreaker-co-lead by Kah Hoe and David
This was how it went:
Everyone was asked to sit in a circle facing outwards. They were then supposed to raise up their hands and say out numbers in sequence starting from 1 onwards. The trick was that two people could not raise up their hands and call out the number at the same time. Get it? Whoever did was eliminated...heheheh. Then the last few played a tie breaker to determine the winner.
Next up....
We had Zheng Keng and his THREE guitarists to lead us in a time of worship...
The songs:
- Hari Ini
- Above All
- Rain Down
I mean guitarists
Then, finally the main event...
Each CG was given a list of 5 places to go to around the whole school. At each place there were prayer lists prepared by James and Sunshine. Each CG was also given five folded manila cards and were told to open up one at every place we prayed. The colour cards each contained the name of one current CF committee member. We were also to pray for the person on the card.
Some of the things we prayed for:
- teachers
- students
- co-curicullar activities
- sports activities
At different places around the school:
Pictures of the CGs after the prayer walk:
*Dunno why David's CG is MIA... -_-'
*Dunno why David's CG is MIA... -_-'
Great job Sunshine and James, keep up the good work.
Rock on,
God's people out there!!!!!!!!!!